Screening Programmes

Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer is the most curable cancer when discovered early. Essential to discover early by regular preventive health screenings even without symptoms.

Advanced Diabetes Screening & Treatment

Pre-Diabetes, Diabetes & Diabetic Neuropathy screening should be undertaken regularly with random blood sugar & hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) test (average blood glucose in the last 3 months) – the true indicator of the Diabetic status of the subject.

Anemia Screening & Treatment

Anemia can be majorly treated by nutritional deficiency supplementation as long as the executional challenges are solved and interventions are designed at the right place & right time.

⁠Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer Screening! If oral cancer is detected early, the five year survival rate of the patient goes up from the current 20% to 80%.

Preventive Cardiography Screening

Early detection is key especially as the Indian genotype is predisposed to CVDs with unhealthy diets, cholesterol, lack of physical activity. Stress management & management of co-morbidities is also crucial.

⁠High-speed Optometric Rehabilitation & Amblyopia Screening

Vision screening, amblyopia screening, optometric rehabilitation can avoid more than 50% blindness and vision impairment, worker productivity by 34% and income by 20% & needs to be carried out once a year.

Kidney Disease Screening

CKD is asymptomatic in the early stages. End stage CKD patients may have a higher mortality due to cardiac failure before kidney failure. Early screening is hence essential for delaying CKD progression & reducing cardiovascular risk.

HPV Vaccination

1 dose of HPV Vaccine can prevent more than 110 million cases of cervical cancer over the next 99 years.

Influenza Vaccine

Annual flu vaccine

Ayurveda AI based Pulse Diagnosis

A Standardized Ayurveda AI based Pulse recording for Vatta, Pitta, Kapha analysis

⁠Latent TB Screening

Delay from symptom onset to treatment initiation may cause catastrophical expenditures for a patient’s family apart from several visits. Despite not showing any apparent symptoms, people may have infectious TB and may even be transmitting it. Population screening for TB is essential.

⁠Vitamin D Screening & Bone Health Analysis

As majority of the country is vitamin D deficient, regular preventive vitamin D & bone health screening is essential to prevent fractures, breakage of bones.

Lower-Limb Prosthetic Screening & Enablement
Lower-Limb Prosthetics Screening & Enablement

3D-Printed Prosthetic Solutions

Revolutionizing mobility with affordable, lightweight, and high-quality prosthetic limbs through cutting-edge 3D technology.

Latest Updates

Peripheral Artery Disease Screening
Coming Soon...
Obesity Screening
Coming Soon...

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